NU CGPA Grading System 2023
NU CGPA Grading System is very problematic for 1st-year honors students. The NU Class Grading System provides a straightforward means of deciphering your academic performance. While the national university grading system lacks a class-based structure, it employs the GPA and CGPA grading systems. It’s common for students and parents to desire a conversion from GPA to a class-based system. This is where the NU Class Grading System/Converter comes into play. For many students, the goal is to transition to a class grading system. The NU grading System or Converter facilitates this transition by allowing students to seamlessly convert their letter grades via GPA/CGPA/grade points. NU CGPA Grading System Converter offers a user-friendly approach, eliminating the need for complex mathematical computations.
Contained in the following row is a comprehensive list detailing the correlation between letter grades and the corresponding percentage marks, associated with various class distinctions. This table serves as a valuable reference, providing students with a direct understanding of their class performance, without relying on the converter.
Table of Contents
NU CGPA Grading System and Calculator
Students, Following the release of their results, National University students found themselves grappling with the intricacies of GPA calculations. A considerable number of students lack a firm grasp of the NU CGPA grading system, not to mention the mathematical complexities involved in computing CGPA. This knowledge gap hinders their ability to effectively convert or compute their results into GPA or CGPA.
However, there’s a straightforward solution at hand. You can effortlessly calculate your CGPA by aggregating the GPA results from each academic year. Many online calculators are available to make this process as simple as possible. All you need to do is input your subject-wise grades or grade points, and the calculator will promptly furnish you with both your GPA and CGPA results if you have data spanning multiple years. It’s a convenient option for those who prefer to bypass the intricacies of manual calculations.
How to Calculate NU Honours GPA/CGPA?
To determine your Honours CGPA using the CGPA Calculator, simply follow these three straightforward steps:
Begin by entering the name of your Honours subject (e.g., Mathematics), select the corresponding grade for that subject, and input the associated credit value. This initial input will generate your Year GPA and your Overall Honours CGPA.
For a comprehensive overview of your CGPA throughout your Honours program, click the “Add Next Year” button. This action will provide you with the Year-wise GPAs and the Overall CGPA for your Honours Final Year.
This process is designed to simplify the calculation of your academic standing, ensuring a clear and efficient path to understanding your progress throughout your Honours studies.
NU Honours Grading (CGPA/GPA) System:
Numerical Grade | Later grade | Class grade | Grade points |
80% and above | A+ | 1st class | 4.00 |
75% to less than 80% | A | 1st class | 3.75 |
70% to less than 75% | A- | 1st class | 3.50 |
65% to less than 70% | B+ | 1st class | 3.25 |
60% to less than 65% | B | 1st class | 3.00 |
55% to less than 60% | B- | 2nd class | 2.75 |
50% to less than 55% | C+ | 2nd class | 2.50 |
45% to less than 50% | C | 2nd class | 2.25 |
40% to less than 45% | D | 3rd class | 2.00 |
<40% (Less than 40%) | F | Fail | 0.00 |
You can also Calculate your Degree CGPA /HSC GPA /SSC GPA.
NU GPA/CGPA Calculation Process
Let’s break down the process of the NU CGPA Grading System into easy-to-follow steps:
Step 1: Subject Names
Begin by entering your Honours subject names, such as “Math.” You can either input your subject names one by one or all at once and proceed to the next step. The Subject Name field is optional; you can leave it blank or use any alphanumeric character.
Step 2: Select Subject Grades
In this step, it’s essential to select the appropriate grades for your Honours subjects. This step is mandatory, and you must choose your subject grades from the dropdown menu before moving on.
Step 3: Subject Credits
Enter the credit values for each subject in the Honours program. This step is also mandatory, and providing subject credits is necessary to calculate your GPA and Overall CGPA.
Year-wise GPA and Overall CGPA
At this point, you’ll obtain your Year-wise GPA and Overall CGPA. If you wish to add more subjects or include data from additional academic years, follow these guidelines:
Adding More Subjects
Click on the “Add Subject” button to insert more Honours subjects. You have the flexibility to include as many subjects as needed.
Adding More Years
Click on the “Add Next Year” button to extend your calculations to subsequent years. By default, you’ll start with Honours 1st Year, but you can continue to Honours 2nd Year, Honours 3rd Year, and Honours 4th/Final Year.
Final Honours CGPA
Upon completing these steps, you’ll have your Honours CGPA. If you need to incorporate additional subjects or years, simply click the “Add” button. For example, after determining your Honours 1st-year CGPA, proceed to add Honours 2nd Year by clicking the “Add Next Year” button. This process repeats for Honours 3rd Year and subsequently for Honours 4th Year/Final Year CGPA.
The Ultimate CGPA Result
By finalizing Year 4, you will have computed your CGPA for each individual year. Ultimately, you’ll arrive at your Honours Final CGPA Result. For more in-depth information about CGPA and academic grading, you can explore additional resources.
This approach streamlines the often complex task of calculating your Honours CGPA, making it convenient to track your academic performance across multiple years and subjects.
NU Grading System FAQ
Let’s delve into some key questions and answers regarding the NU CGPA Grading System. You’ll find valuable insights below:
- What Constitutes First Class CGPA at National University?
A CGPA ranging from 3.00 to 4.00 qualifies as first class at the National University. Achieving 100% marks out of 60% allotted marks also leads to a First Class result.
- What’s the GPA for the First Division at National University?
The National University considers a GPA between 3.00 and 4.00 as a first-division result. However, it’s worth noting that the division method is no longer in practice.
- NU Class Grading System/Converter:
This tool is indispensable for National University students looking to convert their results into the K Class Grading System. It provides valuable insight into their performance and offers a clear path for improvement. We appreciate your support and presence.
- Defining First Class CGPA at National University:
As per the latest grading system regulations, a CGPA of 3.00 to 4.00 qualifies as a 1st Class result. If a National University student scores between 60% to 100% in any exam or achieves a letter grade from B (3.00) to A+ (4.00), their result is categorized as first class.
- National University’s Grading System:
The National University’s grading system provides explicit criteria for determining first, second-, or third-class distinctions. To stay updated on the most recent grading system, you can refer to the provided link.
- What Constitutes Second Class CGPA at National University?
According to the latest grading system at the National University, grade points ranging from 2.25 (C) to 2.75 (B-) are regarded as second class. In essence, any GPA or CGPA within the range of 2.25 to 2.75 in an exam at the National University results in a second-class classification.
What Defines a Third Class CGPA at National University?
A grade point of 2.00 signifies a third-class result as per the latest grading system of the National University. So, if a student achieves a GPA or CGPA of 2.00 or obtains a D grade in any National University exam, their result is categorized as third class.
Closing Thoughts:
With this information about the NU CGPA Grading System, you should now be well-equipped to calculate your Honours CGPA online with ease. Say goodbye to complicated mathematics and calculating hassles; obtaining your Honours CGPA online is a breeze from any location. For any queries, please feel free to visit the discussion panel, and if you found this page helpful, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends and family.

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