Rajshahi University All Units and subject list 2022-2023 PDF

Rajshahi University All Units and subject list 2022-2023 PDF

The RU admission test will begin on May 29, 2023. Authority has declared all unit RU seat plan PDFs.

PDF admission seat plan for the A, B, and C units at the University of Rajshahi for 2022-2023. On the RU admission-related website admission.ru.ac.bd, the RU Seat Plan 2023 PDF has been released. On May 29, 2023, the admissions examination will begin. This article portrays how to check “RU A, B, and C unit seat plan 2023” and other related data which is essential for affirmation applicants.

Rajshahi University All Units A, B, and C Unit 2022-2023 Seat Plan 

The Rajshahi University admission exam is scheduled to begin on May 29. The “C” unit will be the first to be examined. In this manner, on May 30th, the ‘A’ unit assessment will happen, trailed by the ‘B’ unit assessment on May 31st. Twelve shifts will be used for the entire examination, with four shifts going to each unit. For the academic year 2022-23, a sum of 178,574 people have presented their last applications for the first-year Bachelor (Honours) admission examination. Nonetheless, just 3,930 seats are available, significance there will be extraordinary contest with 45 understudies competing for each seat.

Institute Name: Rajshahi University

Name of Exam: Honours Admission Test 2023

Total Unit: A, B and C

Date of Exam: 29,30 & 31 May 2023

Admission Official Website: admission.ru.ac.bd

RU Admission Test Final Routine 2022-2023

The final routine has recently been added to Rajshahi University’s admissions-related website. Available in both image and PDF formats, which we are sharing with you the updated routine for the RU admission 2023 is now.

Rajshahi University Seat Plan 2022-2023

Rajshahi University seat plan for the academic year 2022-2023 has been delivered. The RU seat plan contains important information about how seats will be distributed for the upcoming admissions exam. It ensures that the exam goes off without a hitch and is conducted in a well-organized manner by letting candidates know their assigned seating arrangements. RU admission seat plan is a thorough design that determines the assessment lobbies, rooms, and guest plans for every unit and shift. It makes it simple for candidates to find their seats, reducing potential disruptions and confusion on exam day.

RU Admission Seat plan 2023

The seat limit in Rajshahi University for the upcoming confirmation exam in 2023 is 4,173 seats, without any special quota allocation. However, the seat plan notices for Units A, B, and C have been posted on the official website of the RU authority as of right now.

To access the seat plan for the 2023 Rajshahi University admission test, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the official website Rajshahi of University admission at admission.ru.ac.bd.
  2. On the homepage of the website, look for the notice board section.
  3. Check to see if the seat plan notice for the Rajshahi University admission test for 2023 is available there in PDF format.
  4. Proceed to logging in to your RU admission account if you are unable to locate the seat plan notice on the notice board.
  5. You should likely find specific information about your assigned seat plan in your admission account.
  6. Notwithstanding, it is profoundly plausible that the seat plan will likewise be distributed on the notification leading group of the authority site.

It is fundamental for continue to check the authority site for any reports on the arrival of the seat plan. The Rajshahi University administration usually makes sure that the seat plan is easy to find for all candidates, either through individual admission accounts or the notice board on the website

Faculties / Institutions of all Units

The admission exam for Rajshahi University offers a total of three units. The units are named Unit A (Humanities), Unit B (Business) and Unit C (Science). We have discussed the faculties and institutions of each unit in the chart below.

Unit NameFaculty / Institute
A UnitFaculty of Arts, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Social Science, Education and Research Institute
B UnitFaculty of Business Studies and Institute of Business Administration (IBA)
C UnitFaculty of Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Geology, Faculty of Fisheries, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science

Number of Seats for Different Departments / Institute

Rajshahi University has also published notification regarding number of seats for students. The chart shows that total 4173 seats are allotted for students.

Faculty of Arts:

Serial No.Departments’ NameSeat Number
5History and Culture of Islam110
7Islamic Studies110
10Persian language and literature40

Total: 941

Faculty of Law

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number
2Law and land administration50

Total: 160

Faculty of Science

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number
5Biochemistry and Molecular Science50
7Population Science and Human Resource Development60
8Applied Mathematics80
9Physical Education and Sports Science30

Total: 660

Faculty of Business Studies

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number
1Accounting and Information System110
2Management Studies100
5Banking and Insurance60
6Tourism and Hospitality Management30

Total: 510

Faculty of Social Science

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number
2Political Science110
3Social Work90
4Social Science100
5Mass Communication and Journalism50
6Information Science and Library Management66
7Public administration60
10International Relation40

Total: 748

Faculty of Biology

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number
4Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology40
5Medical Psychology30

Total: 320

Faculty of Agriculture

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number
1Agronomy and Agriculture Extension56
2Group Science and Technology110

Total: 112

Faculty of Engineering

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number
1Applied Chemistry and Chemical engineering70
2Computer Science and Engineering50
3Information and Communication Engineering46
4Material Science and Engineering50
5Electrical and Electronic Engineering50

Total: 266

Faculty of Fine arts

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number
1Painting, Oriental Art and Printing45
2Pottery and Sculpture30
3Graphics Design, Crafts and History of Arts45

Total: 120

Faculty of Geology

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number
1Geography and Environment Science76
2Geology and Mining60

Total: 136

Faculty of Fisheries

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number

Total: 50

Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science

Serial NoDepartments’ NameSeat Number
1Veterinary and Animal Science50

Total: 50


Serial NoNameSeat Number
1Institute of Business Administration (I.B.A)50
2Education and Research Institute (I.E.R)50

Total: 100

Number of Seats for Special Quota

1Small Ethnic Group50 SeatsNot more than 2 seats per department
2Physically handicapped50 SeatsNot more than 2 seats per department
1Children and Grandchildren of Freedom Fighters5% of Every Department
2Children of working staffs and teachers at RU5% of Every Department
3BKSP Quote20% of Physical Education and Sports Science Department

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