SSC Exam News | SSC Update Bangladesh 2023
The Inter-Education Board Coordination Committee is planning to hold the Secondary School Certificate and original examinations from Apr 30. Today we bring you all the SSC Exam News updates.
“ We’ve transferred the schedule for SSC and original examinations to the Education Ministry for its final blessing. The examinations will start on Apr 30, said Tapan Kumar Sarkar, president of the commission.
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SSC Exam News Updates
Previous to the epidemic, the SSC examinations used to start in February. Last time’s examinations began on Sept 15, seven months behind schedule due to detainments caused by the coronavirus epidemic and cataracts.
The government had preliminarily said that the SSC examinations this time will be held in April, two months later than the usual time, following the retardation in the spread of COVID-19.
In light of the dislocations to learning in 2022, the tests were grounded on an abridged class of limited subjects and the marks and test duration were also reduced. But the government had preliminarily announced that this time’s SSC tests will be held on an abbreviated syllabus.
Generally, SSC campaigners have classes on 316 days and HSC examines 330 days at a time. The epidemic arrest forced the government to cut the number of periodic academy days to 150 for SSC and 180 for HSC in 2022.
For this reason, although there will be examinations in all subjects, they will be on an abbreviated syllabus.
As in 2022, 2023’s SSC examinations will be held according to the revised class of 150 working days and HSC 180 working days, Education Minister Dipu Moni said on Apr 12.
Tapan hoped the examinations will return to their regular form in 2024.” Class conditioning will continue in full swing from January.”
“So there will no longer be shortened syllabi. From 2024, the test will be conducted on the full syllabi.”
Nearly two million scholars are anticipated to sit for this time’s SSC tests, but the commission has yet to confirm the count.
The count will be verified before the examinations begin, Tapan said, adding that measures will be taken to check question paper leaks and maintain order during the tests.
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