All Education Board List In BD | Learn Now

All Education Board List In BD

In this article, you are going to know all education board list In BD. There are 11 Education Board In Bangladesh. Among them, two are alternative education boards and nine are regional boards. All boards administer the JSC, SSC, HSC, or equivalent examinations, and their results are published. The boards are also in charge of granting private educational institutions recognition.

List Of Education Board List In BD Updated In 2022

The following is a list of Bangladesh’s Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards.

List Of Regional Boards In Bangladesh

  1. Barisal Education Board.
  2. Chittagong Education Board.
  3. Comilla Education Board.
  4. Dhaka Education Board.
  5. Jessore Education Board.
  6. Mymensingh Education Board.
  7. Rajshahi Education Board.
  8. Sylhet Education Board.
  9. Dinajpur Education Board.

List of Alternative Education Boards 

  1. Technical Education Board.
  2. Madrasah Education Board

Barisal Education Board

The Barisal Education Board manages JSC, SSC, and HSC tests simultaneously under the Service of Training. The Southern education board in Bangladesh, Barisal Board, was founded in 1999. In 2001, it began its institutional journey by taking SSC exams. But it has been running the exam program well ever since it started in 1999. One of Bangladesh’s largest education boards is Barisal Education Board.

Official Website Of Barisal Board:

Chittagong Education Board

The Chittagong Education Board manages JSC, SSC, and HSC tests simultaneously under the Service of Training. In Bangladesh, it is an independent and self-regulating educational administration and management institute. The Board of Education is working to establish an education administration center of excellence in light of the country’s growing demand for high-quality and quantitative education. Be that as it may, the Chittagong Board additionally distributed board results on its true site. However, the issue is that they frequently point their own result page to the Education Board website.

Official Website Chittagong Board:

Comilla Education Board

In 1962, the Comilla education board was formed. Only the Comilla division’s institute results are published by the Comilla board. It also publishes other examination results. Like PSC Result, JSC Result, and HSC Result including SSC Result through the Comilla Board site.

Official Website Comilla Board:

Dhaka Education Board

One of the popular education boards in Bangladesh is the Dhaka Board. This board has the authority to oversee and promote public examinations at Dhaka secondary and higher secondary schools in accordance with the Board’s ordinance. Through its official website, this board also publishes board results in Bangladesh.

Official Website Dhaka Board:

Jessore Education Board

One of the most successful Education Boards in Bangladesh is Jessore Board. It was established in 1963, and it is one of the oldest education boards. In addition, there are nine general education boards in Bangladesh, and the PSC, JSC, SSC, and HSC exam results are published each year without any issues by these boards.

Official Website Jessore Board:

Mymensingh Education Board

On August 28, 2017, the Mymensingh Board was established to oversee, control, regulate, and develop the Mymensingh Division’s secondary and higher secondary public examinations and educational institutions. In addition, this board published the education results on their own official website after publishing them.

Official Website Mymensingh Board:

Rajshahi Education Board

One of Bangladesh’s oldest education boards, the Rajshahi Board was established in 1961. Like other education boards, Rajshahi Board additionally publishes board results with mark sheets on their separate sites.

Official Website Rajshahi Board:

Sylhet Education Board

The east region Education Board of Bangladesh is Sylhet Board. In order to manage the examination, issue mark sheets, and certificates, etc. it began its formal journey in 1999 of all the Sylhet division’s secondary and higher secondary educational establishments.

This board effectively publishes test results with mark sheets for each year. At the point when PSC and JSC stage has launched, the consequence of these two assessments is distributed consistently on its own site too.

Official Website Sylhet Board:

Dinajpur Education Board

Dinajpur Board publishes the board exam results. The north regional educational board of Bangladesh is Dinajpur education board. You must visit the website listed below in order to obtain the Dinajpur board’s result.

Official Website Dinajpur Board:

Technical Education Board

In the time of Pakistan of 1954, to control specialized foundation, assessment, and accreditation of specialized schooling organizations the specialized training load-up was established according to the law of Vide Resolution No. 188-Ind. Dated 27-01-54. East Pakistan Board of Examination for Technical Education was the previous name. The nation’s technical and vocational education and training organizations were to be managed, supervised, regulated, and developed. Exams were to be held, regulations were to be followed, and individuals were to receive diplomas and certificates.

Then, they realized that a statutory institute should be established to develop, regulate, inspect, and evaluate the Diploma in Engineering and Trade level curriculum in light of rising demand. Consequently, on March 7, 1967, the Bangladesh Technical Education Board, now known as the “East Pakistan Technical Education Board,” was established.

Official Website Technical Board:

Madrasah Education Board

We are familiar with the Madrasah board, like other educational boards. This individual board oversees Junior Dakhil, Dakhil, and Alim examinations. They likewise published the SSC result 2022 Madrasah Board on their authority site, Official Website Madrasah board:

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