SSC Syllabus 2023 | SSC Exam Syllabus 2023 PDF
Are you a student preparing for SSC Exam 2023? Do you want to know what is in store for you in terms of the SSC syllabus? If so, you are in the right place. SSC Short Syllabus 2023 is of interest to students, parents, and educators alike. With the pandemic still spreading across the globe, the education sector has been severely affected, necessitating a revised curriculum that takes into account the shortened academic year. But what does this mean for you, the student? How will SSC Short Syllabus 2023 affect your preparation for the exam? Read on to find out.
SSC (Secondary School Certificate) Exam 2023 has been declared. Educational institutions are closed all over Bangladesh due to floods. So preparing a complete syllabus in a short time is out of the question. However, in addition to this, NCTB along with the Ministry of Education has decided to shorten the SSC syllabus. SSC Short Syllabus 2023 was published on the NCTB website on 14 February 2023.
Table of Contents
Reasons for NCTB SSC Short Syllabus 2023:
Educational institutions in BD are closed from March 2020. Students are out of class for one year and one month and cannot attend their classes. Even though the new year has passed day by day, the educational institution has not yet opened. The Ministry of Education has announced that schools will reopen on 13 June 2021 (this is the probable date).
Five months have already passed, and it is impossible to complete the entire syllabus in this remaining time. So the Ministry of Education and NCTB has released SSC Syllabus 2023 for SSC and its equivalent candidates.
SSC Syllabus 2023 PDF All Subjects
Are you a student appearing for SSC exam 2023 and looking for the latest syllabus for all subjects? With the ongoing pandemic and its associated disruptions, there have been significant changes in the education system, including revisions in the syllabus of many exams, including the SSC exam. The SSC Syllabus 2023 PDF for All Subjects has been released recently, creating a buzz among students and academics alike. This syllabus aims to cover the most important topics for each subject, allowing students to focus their efforts and improve their chances of success in the exam. As a student, it is very important to stay updated about the latest syllabus and prepare accordingly. This blog post will provide you a comprehensive guide to SSC Syllabus 2023 PDF for all subjects, so that you can crack your exam with confidence.
SSC Short Syllabus 2023 NCTB
Here is the short SSC syllabus of class 10 for SSC candidates. So start studying through the syllabus without getting confused. And if you take the exam through this syllabus, I hope you can get very good results. Let’s know some brief information about the SSC Syllabus.
- Syllabus for SSC and equivalent students.
- The exam will be held on April 30, 2023.
- Published by NCTB (National Curriculum and Textbook Board).
- The short SSC syllabus is reduced to 30% of the original syllabus.
This New Revised SSC Short Syllabus 2023 is designed to be completed within 150 days. 2023 SSC and its equivalent exams will be conducted after completing these 150 days of classes. However, the possible SSC exams for 2023 may be held in November and December 2021.
All Subjects Class 10/SSC Short Syllabus 2023
SSC candidates will appear in the exam in 13 subjects. Five subjects are compulsory for all students and 8 subjects will be group wise. We have worked hard to separate Class 10 Short Syllabus subject wise for your help. Check the following subject-wise SSC Syllabus to get a proper idea about your upcoming SSC Exam.
Compulsory Subjects for SSC 2023 short syllabus:
- Bangla_1st Paper
Bangla_2nd Paper
- English_1st Paper
English_2nd Paper
- Mathematics
- Islam and Moral Studies
- ICT(Information Communication and Technology)
SSC Short Syllabus 2023 for (Arts) Humanities Group:
Are you a student of the humanities group and looking for an SSC syllabus for the (Arts) Humanities group? Then you will get your syllabus here. We collect the PDF and attach it here for you.
- General Science
- Economics
- Civics
- History and Civilization
- Geography and Environment
SSC Short Syllabus 2021-22 PDF
Would you like to get SSC Syllabus in PDF format? One of the advantages of the syllabus in PDF format is that you can store it on your device at any time. And so we think the PDF is very important for SSC students.
SSC Short Syllabus 2023 for Science Group:
Are you a student of the science group and eagerly awaiting your group subjects’ short syllabus? We uploaded the subject-wise syllabus in PDF for you. Please keep to the below-stated PDF and get your syllabus.
- Biology
- Physics
- Higher Math
- Chemistry
- Bangladesh and Global Studies
SSC Short Syllabus for Business Studies Group:
Check the following PDF if you are a student of business studies (Commerce Group).
- SSC Short Syllabus Commerce Group 2023
- SSC Short Syllabus Arts Group 2023
- SSC Short Syllabus Science 2023
- SSC Dhakil Syllabus 2023
PDF copy for SSC Short Syllabus 2023:
Do you want to get the PDF of the SSC short syllabus for 2023? Then you are welcome to it by following the below-mentioned instructions.
Step-1: Visit or
Step-2: Click the notice
SSC Level
Step-3: the ZIP
Unzip the ZIP to open the PDF
Step-4: Select the PDF
Open the PDF copy to check on your subject-wise short SSC syllabus for the SSC exam 2023.
Final Verdict:
As we conclude this discussion on SSC Short Syllabus 2023, it’s clear that the epidemic has had a profound impact on the education system, leading to a change in precedents and a revised syllabus for numerous examinations, including the SSC test. Still, this change may not be negative, as it has allowed us to rethink the way we approach education and acclimatize to the new normal. The SSC Short Syllabus 2023 is designed to give scholars a more focused and structured approach to their studies, enabling them to develop a deeper understanding of crucial generalities and exceed in their examinations.
As we move forward, it’s essential to flashback that education isn’t just about learning information and end tests but about developing critical thinking, problem-working, and lifelong literacy chops. While the SSC Short Syllabus 2023 provides a frame for scholars to succeed in their examinations, it’s inversely important to concentrate on erecting a strong foundation of knowledge and chops that will serve them well in their unborn trials.
In conclusion, the SSC Short Class 2023 is a necessary adaptation to the current situation, but it gives us an occasion to reevaluate the way we approach education and empower scholars to become lifelong learners. As we face new challenges and openings in the future, let us strive to continue this elaboration of education and pave the way for a brighter and further prosperous future.

is a passionate Digital Marketing Consultant with a keen interest in staying abreast of the latest news articles and global content management trends. With a knack for navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape, Abdullah is dedicated to sharing insightful perspectives and expertise through his engaging blog content