HSC Class XI College Admission Fee 2023 (Government, MPO, Non-MPO)
Find the HSC class XI college admission fee

The Ministry of Education has decided the college admission fee for Class 11 in College Madrasas and equivalent institutions for the academic year 2023-2024.
Know about the Bengali and English version admission fee rates of all government, MPO and non-MPO colleges of the country.
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HSC Class XI College Admission Fee rate 2023-2024 (Government, MPO, Non-MPO)
The HSC class XI college admission fee process of 11th class for the academic year 2023-2024 in all public and private colleges of the country has started from August 10.
Finally, on September 21, the application for admission to the third phase of XI was accepted. At the end of the admission process of all stages, from September 26, selected and college confirmed students of all stages have to go to the respective colleges for admission.
The Ministry of Education has fixed the admission fee for class XI in the admission policy of class XI. Separate admission fees for colleges located in Dhaka and other metropolitan cities, district cities and upazilas have been fixed.
It is mentioned in the admission policy that no more money can be collected for the admission of 11th than the admission fee declared by the Ministry of Education.
It should be noted that the admission of Class XI will be from September 26 to October 5. Must be admitted to the selected college with the required documents by paying the admission fee within the stipulated time. College selection will be canceled if admission is not done within the stipulated time.
Class XI Admission Notification 2023: Third Phase Result 23 September
Class XI online admission application and result publication date 2023
​What is the HSC Class XI college admission fee in public and private colleges?
Class XI admission fee has been determined in paragraph 5.5 of the Class XI Admission Policy 2023 published by the Ministry of Education.
In the case of institutions under MP, the admission fee of class XI has been fixed at the following rates.
In case of MPO-affiliated colleges located in Dhaka Metropolitan, the admission fee is Tk 5000/= (Bengali and English version).
Admission fee for colleges located in metropolitan cities other than Dhaka is fixed at Tk 3000/= (Bengali and English version).
The college admission fee for both versions of the college located at the district headquarters is Tk. 2000/=.
The admission fee of all versions of colleges located in Upazila or Mofswal is fixed at Tk 1500/=.
Check the list of the HSC class XI college admission fee for non-EMPO and partial MPO colleges
7500/= for Bengali version and 8500/= for English version of non-MPO colleges located in Dhaka metropolitan area.
Admission fee in Bengali version for all other metropolitan cities except Dhaka is Rs.5000/=. Fee for English version is Rs.6000/=.
The admission fee for the Bengali version of the college located in the district town is Tk 3000/= and Tk 4000/= for the English version college.
Upazila and Mofswal College Bengali version fee 2500/= and English version fee 3000/= Taka.
It should be noted that the admission fee of the government college can be collected as per the government circular. There is no specific rate mentioned in the admission policy.
Know details about admission fee for Class XI of Government and Private Colleges from the admission policy attached below.

It is stated in the admission policy that no amount can be collected in excess of the rate of admission fee. Besides, the Ministry of Education has ordered that all fees be paid through receipt.
Write to us to know more about admission fee rates for class XI in government and private colleges for the academic year 2023-2024.
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