NU Honours 4th-Year Result Re-scrutiny 2023
NU Honours 4th-Year Result Re-scrutiny 2023 online application will appear on 12 November and the Online application for the Result Board Challenge will continue till 30 November. Besides, the result board challenge application fee of eight hundred Taka (800/-) can be submitted at the same time.
This Notice will discuss the application procedure for the Board Challenge/Re-scrutiny process of the Honours 4th Year Exam Result 2023 in detail. We are going to inform you about how much fee should be submitted for the re-scrutiny/how to submit it online. So Let’s hurry to go and check it without delay.
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NU Honours 4th-Year Result Re-scrutiny 2023- All Information
The eagerly awaited results of the 2021 Honors 4th Year Examination conducted by the National University have been officially released. The university issued a press release confirming this significant milestone.
On November 6, 2023, at 8:00 PM, the Honors 4th-year final exam results were unveiled on the official university website (
A staggering total of 255,644 candidates hailing from 797 colleges participated in the Honors 4th-year examination, encompassing 31 diverse subjects.
It is noteworthy that the Honors fourth-year examination boasted an impressive overall pass rate of 71 per cent, reflecting the dedication and commitment of the candidates.
The Notice of NU Honours 4th-Year Result Re-scrutiny 2023
We have given the notice published by the National University for the Honours 4th Year Result Re-scrutiny 2023. In the notice, the details are said when the application can be registered and how to apply with the process. I want to share with you some important notice about the Honours 4th-year Result Re-verification/ Board Challenge operation which was released before. You may profit from seeing these notices as some of them contain full information.
According to the notification, the application for the board challenge of NU Honours 4th-year examination result can be registered on 12th November and this online application will continue till 30th November 2023.
Date of NU Honours 4th-Year Result Re-scrutiny 2023
we will discuss when the right time to apply for the honours 4th-year results re-scrutiny is and when the application process will end. Here are some important dates related to the Honours 4th Year Exam Results Challenge.
Re-check Application will Start on 12 November 2023 The application will end on 30 November 2023 Payment methods-Online payment through Sonali Seba Special note: You will never be able to register for a result re-scrutiny further on the date mentioned in the notice. So every 4th-year student is requested to apply for a board challenge who wants to re-scrutiny the results within the stipulated time. |
How to Apply For Result Re-Scrutiny Online?
Instantaneously, we will go through with you how students can apply for their 4th-year final result board challenge online. There are some application procedures that you may have to know before applying online or depositing money. Now we will share at this point the specifics of which website you will apply from and how to apply. Let’s take a look at the application process without any delay.
Visit The link Honours Re-scrutinizing Then select the Result name – *Honours 4th Year* Type your Registration number Then Select the subject that you are curious about Now Fill in The Requirement Info Finally, click the Submit Button |
After finishing the Online Application process, Pay Your re-check Registration Fee. Then print the Payment Slip which you must pay through Sonali Seba.
NU 4th Year Result Re-scrutiny Fee 2023
If you want to disagree with your Honours 4th-year answer sheet then you have to settle up with an amount. Let’s take a look at the notice below about how much taka pays for the result review of the NU Honours 4th-year exam result 2023.
The National University released a notice to the re-check result application and the application fee for the Honours 4th Year Examination Result which was published on 7th November 2023. how much fee money has been secured for the result board challenge/re-scrutiny? Let’s take a look down the box!
Per subject challenge fee – 800 Taka Payment method – Sonali Seba (Nagad, Rocket, Bkash, Card) Last date of bank payment – 30th November 2023 If you want to check the result of more than one subject then you have to pay 800 Taka per subject through Sonali Seba. The notice declares how to deposit the money so that the students can pay the total amount very comfortably. |
At last, you must wait for the board challenge results to be published after applying and depositing money. When the result is published you will find out whether your result has changed or not.
Describing NU Honours 4th Year Re-scrutiny Result 2023
At this stage, we will talk about the results of the re-verification of the 4th year results of the NU Honours 4th-year examination. That is, those who will apply for the re-check of the subject-wise test results, when the results will be published. National University Honours 4th Year test Results were released on November 6, 2023, at 8 PM. And on the 7th, the National University published a notice of re-verification of the results.
As per the announcement, the appeal for rechecking the result will continue from 12th to 30th November 2023. The result of this recheck supplication will be released between 15 to 30 November. Still, the National University will publish a new notice on the day it is published so we’ll also publish the update about the result of the re-check of Honours 4th year exam results on our website. That’s why you need to visit our website regularly for regular updates on your mobile/computer.
National University Honours 4th time/ year Result Re-scrutiny 2023 online application starts on November 2023. So those who want to apply for the result board challenge/re-scrutiny must apply and deposit the quantum before 30th November. After that, there will be no occasion to register.
you can visit our website( regularly or like the Facebook page to get the most updates on National University. We always publish the streamlined news of the National University on our website first.

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